Product details
When you tap on a product, we want to display a custom modal over the products section. The modal will display the selected product as well as the sizes for each shoe and the quantity in stock. In this chapter, we are going to focus strictly on the design. In the next chapter, we will add the functionality to view ProductDetail. For now, just get it to match the design and we will use it in the next chapter. Let's look at the design:
Figure 8.6
You will actually be creating this view on your own, but before you dig in, we will work on the custom buttons together. Let's work on the ADD TO CART and stepper buttons next. We will not be using Product Details until the next chapter.
Creating custom buttons for our product details view
Let's take a closer look at what the size view will look like:
Figure 8.7
The functionality for this is pretty simple – you will see ADD TO CART first, and when...