Immersive Swift with ARKit and Augmented Reality
Imagine being able to visualize data, images, 3D objects, or effects in tandem with the world around you. It would be short of those experiences happening right before you, but when blended in with your environment in real time, it can seem like it is happening before your eyes.
This is Augmented Reality (AR). It cannot alter reality itself. Nor does it try to replace it completely and artificially like virtual reality. It simply serves to augment, or enhance, reality by building upon it.
With the computing power, cameras, and sensors we carry around with us in our devices, it’s no wonder that AR is such a versatile and awesome feature. This is where ARKit, an Apple framework that allows us to easily and quickly build AR experiences, comes in.
By the end of this chapter, you will know how to use ARKit to create simple yet immersive AR experiences for your apps.
In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes: