Linux bash is going way beyond the scope of this book, but I will cover basic commands, which you may need in your daily work with SQL Server on Linux, such as creating folders, copying files, navigating through a tree of folders, deleting files and folders, listing content of folders and current position in the folder tree.
- pwd
- ls
- cd
- mkdir
- cp
- rm
- rmdir
You can run the command line bash tool in many ways. Here, you can find two of the most common ways. Assuming that you have a KDE environment, click on K menu | System | Konsole.
Alternately, press Alt+Space and start typing Konsole. You will see at the top of the screen a menu with a list of tools, programs, files, and everything else that has the word Konsole in the name. Just choose Konsole Terminal as shown in the following screenshot and press Enter: