Spring Data JPA
Spring Data JPA (Java Persistence API) is a widely used specification for managing relational data in Java applications. It helps develop Spring, as it reduces boilerplate code by not implementing read and write operations. It also handles the complex process involved in JDBC-based accessing of database and object-relational mappings.
Before discussing Spring Data JPA, let’s discuss its clear advantages and why it is commonly used in Spring development.
The advantages of Spring Data JPA
The following are the advantages of Spring Data JPA:
- No-code repositories: Spring Data JPA promotes no-code repositories, which means that we don’t have to write the repository pattern, which creates a lot of repetitive code. It provides a set of interfaces that we can use to extend our classes to apply data-specific implementations.
For example, we have a BlogRepository
class in our application; when we extend it with the CrudRepository<Blog...