When do microservices help?
The answer to this question requires us to understand the roles microservices play in modern software architectures. We will look at this in the following two subsections:
- Layered architectures and microservices
- When is it worth considering microservice architectures?
Let’s start with a detailed look at layered architectures and microservices.
Layered architectures and microservices
As discussed in Chapter 7, Understanding the Different Domains in Software Solutions, enterprise systems are usually organized in logical independent layers. The outermost layer is the one that interacts with the user and is called the presentation layer (in the onion architecture, the outermost layer also contains drivers and test suites), while the last layer (the innermost layer in the onion architecture) takes care of application permanent data handling and is called the data layer (the domain layer in the onion architecture). Requests...