- abstract base classes
- using / Using abstract base classes
- Alien Attack game
- sound SDL_mixer extension, using / Using the SDL_mixer extension for sound
- basic objects, setting up / Setting up the basic game objects
- bullets, handling / Handling bullets
- collisions, dealing with / Dealing with collisions
- tips / Possible improvements
- AnimatedGraphic class / Creating the game over state, Loading the game over state
- Base64 decoder / Parsing a tile layer
- base64 encoding / Getting familiar with the Tiled application
- basic game objects
- setting up / Setting up the basic game objects
- GameObject base class / GameObject revamped
- SDLGameObject class, renaming to ShooterObject / SDLGameObject is now ShooterObject
- player object / Player inherits from ShooterObject
- enemy types / Lots of enemy types
- scrolling background, adding / Adding a scrolling background
- boolfullscreen parameter / Fullscreen SDL
- Bullet class / No more bullets or bullet collisions
- BulletHandler class / The BulletHandler class
- bullet handling
- scrolling background, adding / Handling bullets
- types / Two types of bullets
- BulletHandler class / The BulletHandler class
- C++11 standard / GameObject revamped
- camera-controlled map / Camera-controlled map
- Camera class / The Camera class
- checkCollideTile function / ShooterObject is now PlatformerObject
- checkEnemyPlayerBulletCollision functions / Creating a CollisionManager class
- checkPlayerEnemyCollision functions / Creating a CollisionManager class
- clean function / What does this code do?
- CollisionManager Class / Creating a CollisionManager class
- collisions
- dealing with / Dealing with collisions, Creating a CollisionManager class
- CollisionManager Class, creating / Creating a CollisionManager class
- CollisonManager class / No more bullets or bullet collisions
- Conan the Caveman game
- basic game objects, setting up / Setting up the basic game objects
- bullet collisions / No more bullets or bullet collisions
- game objects / Game objects and map collisions
- map collisions / Game objects and map collisions
- ShooterObject, renaming as PlatformerObject / ShooterObject is now PlatformerObject
- Camera class / The Camera class
- camera-controlled map / Camera-controlled map
- Player class / The Player class
- additions / Possible additions
- destination rectangle
- about / Source and destination rectangles
- sprite sheet, animating / Animating a sprite sheet
- images, flipping / Flipping images
- draw function / Creating the texture manager, Putting it all together, The BulletHandler class
- Enter key / Implementing FSM
- enum attribute / Using mouse button events
- about / Creating fixed frames per second
- about / Implementing finite state machines
- implementing / Implementing finite state machines, Implementing FSM
- game states, base class / A base class for game states
- game
- structure / What makes up a game
- Hello SDL code, breaking up / Breaking up the Hello SDL code
- code, functioning / What does this code do?
- Game**getGameHeight functions / Drawing the map
- Game**getGameWidth / Drawing the map
- Game**handleEvents function / Implementing FSM
- Game**init function / Initializing joysticks, Implementing FSM
- Game**setCurrentLevel function / Player inherits from ShooterObject
- Game class
- about / The Game class
- fullscreen SDL / Fullscreen SDL
- GameObject* class / Creating the game over state
- GameObject class / Using inheritance
- GameObject classes
- altering / Fitting the factory into the framework
- game objects
- steps, sumarizing / Putting it all together
- game objects movement
- setting up / Setting up game objects for movement
- Cartesian coordinate system / Setting up game objects for movement
- vector / What is a vector?
- Vector2D class, adding / Adding the Vector2D class
- velocity, adding / Adding velocity
- acceleration, adding / Adding acceleration
- game over state
- loading / Loading the game over state
- GameOverState class / Creating the game over state
- gamepad input
- about / Handling joystick/gamepad input
- GameState.h / A base class for game states
- game states
- switching ways / A simple way for switching states
- getButtonState function / Dealing with joystick button input
- getRenderer function / Putting it all together
- Hello SDL
- about / Hello SDL
- overview / An overview of Hello SDL
- initialisation flags / SDL initialization flags
- renderer flags / SDL renderer flags
- inheritance
- about / Using inheritance
- functionality example / Using inheritance
- using / Should we always use inheritance?
- result tips / Could the same thing be achieved with a simpler solution?
- derived classes / Derived classes should model the "is a" relationship
- possible performance penalties / Possible performance penalties
- init function / The Game class
- initialisation flags, SDL
- about / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_HAPTIC / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_AUDIO / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_VIDEO / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_TIMER / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE / SDL initialization flags
- input handling
- about / Input handling
- input handler class, creating / Creating our input handler class
- joystick / Handling joystick/gamepad input
- axis movement, handling / Listening for and handling axis movement
- joystick button input, dealing with / Dealing with joystick button input
- mouse events, handling / Handling mouse events
- summary / Wrapping things up
- Instance function / Using texture manager as a singleton
- int flags parameter / Fullscreen SDL
- joy parameter / Listening for and handling axis movement
- joystick button input / Dealing with joystick button input
- Joystick Control Panel property / SDL joystick events
- joysticks
- events / SDL joystick events
- initializing / Initializing joysticks
- Level class / Parsing and drawing a tile map
- LevelParser**parseLevel / Dealing with collisions
- LevelParser class
- creating / Creating the LevelParser class
- load function / Loading the game over state, Creating the SoundManager class
- MainMenuState class / Loading the menu state from an XML file, Loading other states from an XML file
- MenuButton class / Loading the menu state from an XML file
- MenuState.cpp file / A base class for game states
- menu states
- implementing / Implementing menu states
- fuction parameters / Function pointers and callback functions
- callback functions / Function pointers and callback functions
- temporary play state, implementing / Implementing the temporary play state, Pausing the game
- game over state, creating / Creating the game over state
- mouse events
- handling / Handling mouse events
- button events, handling / Using mouse button events
- motion events, handling / Handling mouse motion events
- keyboard input, implementing / Implementing keyboard input
- m_bCanJump variable / The Player class
- m_lastSafePos variable / The Player class
- Object Factories
- about / Implementing Object Factories
- Distributed Factories, using / Using Distributed Factories
- Object Layer / Parsing object layers
- object layers
- parsing / Parsing object layers
- ObjectLayer class, developing / Developing the ObjectLayer class
- onEnter function / Implementing FSM, Creating the game over state, Loading the game over state
- onExit function / Implementing FSM
- parseLevel function / Creating the LevelParser class, Developing the ObjectLayer class
- parseObjects function / Parsing states from an XML file, Developing the ObjectLayer class
- pause state
- loading / Loading the pause state
- PauseState.cpp file / Pausing the game
- Player**update function / Listening for and handling axis movement, The Player class
- Player**update function / Player inherits from ShooterObject
- Player class / The Player class
- playSound or playMusic functions / Creating the SoundManager class
- play state
- loading / Loading the play state
- PlayState class / Creating the game over state
- polymorphism
- about / Implementing polymorphism
- implementing / Implementing polymorphism
- pState parameter / Implementing FSM
- Quadtree / Possible improvements
- quit function / Initializing joysticks
- registerType function / Using Distributed Factories
- renderer flags, SDL
- SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE / SDL renderer flags
- render function / A simple way for switching states, Drawing the map
- RTF / Migrating SDL 1.2 extensions
- ScrollingBackground class / Adding a scrolling background
- need for / Why use SDL?
- drawing / Basic SDL drawing
- SDL 1.2
- extensions / Migrating SDL 1.2 extensions
- SDL 1.2 extensions / Migrating SDL 1.2 extensions
- SDL_image / Migrating SDL 1.2 extensions
- SDL_net / Migrating SDL 1.2 extensions
- SDL_mixer / Migrating SDL 1.2 extensions
- SDL_ttf / Migrating SDL 1.2 extensions
- SDL_rtf / Migrating SDL 1.2 extensions
- SDL 2.0
- about / What is new in SDL 2.0?
- SDL 1.2 extensions / Migrating SDL 1.2 extensions
- SDL 2.0 Roadmap / What is new in SDL 2.0?
- SDL drawing
- about / Basic SDL drawing
- images, obtaining / Getting some images
- texture, creating / Creating an SDL texture
- SDL joystick events
- SDL_JoyAxisEvent / SDL joystick events
- SDL_JoyButtonEvent / SDL joystick events
- SDL_JoyBallEvent / SDL joystick events
- SDL_JoyHatEvent / SDL joystick events
- about / SDL joystick events
- SDL Mouse Event
- SDL_MouseButtonEvent / Handling mouse events
- SDL_MouseMotionEvent / Handling mouse events
- SDL_MouseWheelEvent / Handling mouse events
- SDL setup, in Visual C++ Express 2010
- about / Setting up SDL in Visual C++ Express 2010
- library, retrieving / Setting up SDL in Visual C++ Express 2010
- Mercurial, using / Using Mercurial to get SDL 2.0 on Windows
- SDL 2.0 repository, cloning / Cloning and building the latest SDL 2.0 repository
- SDL 2.0 repository, building / Cloning and building the latest SDL 2.0 repository
- linking / I have the library; now what?
- SDL_CreateRenderer function / An overview of Hello SDL
- SDL_CreateWindow function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_image
- installing / Installing SDL_image
- using / Using SDL_image
- SDL_INIT_AUDIO flag / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING flag / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_HAPTIC flag / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK flag / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE flag / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_TIMER flag / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_INIT_VIDEO flag / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_JOYAXISMOTION event / Listening for and handling axis movement
- SDL_JoyBallEvent / SDL joystick events
- SDL_JoyButtonEvent / SDL joystick events
- SDL_JoyHatEvent / SDL joystick events
- SDL_MouseButtonEvent / Handling mouse events
- SDL_MouseMotionEvent / Handling mouse events
- SDL_MouseWheelEvent / Handling mouse events
- SDL_RendererFlip value
- SDL_FLIP_NONE / Flipping images
- SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL / Flipping images
- SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL / Flipping images
- SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED flag / SDL renderer flags
- SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC flag / SDL renderer flags
- SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE flag / SDL renderer flags
- SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE flag / SDL renderer flags
- SDL_WasInit() function / SDL initialization flags
- SDL_WindowFlags function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WindowFlags functions
- SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WINDOW_FOREIGN function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_GRABBED function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_FOCUS function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE function / Fullscreen SDL
- SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN function / Fullscreen SDL
- setCallbacks function / Loading the pause state
- SoundManager class / Creating the SoundManager class
- sound SDL_mixer extension
- using / Using the SDL_mixer extension for sound
- SoundManager class, creating / Creating the SoundManager class
- source rectangle
- about / Source and destination rectangles
- sprite sheet, animating / Animating a sprite sheet
- images, flipping / Flipping images
- states, XML file
- parsing / Parsing states from an XML file
- menu state, loading / Loading the menu state from an XML file
- play state, loading / Loading the play state
- pause state, loading / Loading the pause state
- game over state, loading / Loading the game over state
- texture manager
- about / Creating the texture manager
- creating / Creating the texture manager
- using, as singleton / Using texture manager as a singleton
- TextureManager class / Creating the texture manager
- Tiled application
- about / Getting familiar with the Tiled application
- tile layer
- parsing / Parsing a tile layer
- TileLayer class / Camera-controlled map
- TileLayer update function / Drawing the map
- tile map
- about / What is a tile map?
- parsing / Parsing and drawing a tile map
- drawing / Parsing and drawing a tile map, Drawing the map
- TileLayer class, creating / Creating the TileLayer class
- LevelParser class, creating / Creating the LevelParser class
- tilesets, parsing / Parsing tilesets
- tile layer, parsing / Parsing a tile layer
- scrolling / Scrolling a tile map
- tilesets
- parsing / Parsing tilesets
- TortoiseHg Workbench window / Cloning and building the latest SDL 2.0 repository
- type function / Creating a CollisionManager class
- uncompress function / Parsing a tile layer
- update function / Creating the texture manager, Function pointers and callback functions, Creating the game over state, The BulletHandler class
- vector
- about / What is a vector?
- using / What is a vector?
- two vectors, adding / Addition of two vectors
- muliplying, by scalar number / Multiply by a scalar number
- subtration methods / Subtraction of two vectors
- sclar number, dividing by / Divide by a scalar number
- normalizing / Normalizing a vector
- Visual C++ Express 2010
- SDL, setting up / Setting up SDL in Visual C++ Express 2010
- Xbox 360 controller / SDL joystick events
- XML file
- states, parsing / Parsing states from an XML file
- menu state, loading / Loading the menu state from an XML file
- other states, loading / Loading other states from an XML file
- XML Files
- about / Loading XML files
- basic XML structure / Basic XML structure
- zlib compression algorithm / Getting familiar with the Tiled application