Maximizing revenue with AppExchange Checkout

As we continue our expedition in the Salesforce AppExchange landscape, imagine stumbling upon the valley of AppExchange Checkout, a picturesque scene dotted with automated cash registers. Now, these aren’t your ordinary registers; they’re sophisticated tools that smooth out and automate the purchase process for your customers right from your AppExchange listing. It’s as if we’ve set up a bustling open-air market in the middle of this vast ecosystem.
But as with any market setup, it’s essential to know the lay of the land. You’ve got to ensure that your product is neatly packaged (distributed as a managed package) and that your booth fits the general market setup because Checkout cannot be used with OEM apps. This section is your tour guide, leading you through the market stalls, pointing out the nuances of AppExchange Checkout, and offering tips and tricks to make your shop the go...