Perform the following steps:
- Since we only need the image files, we need to check whether the files have a certain extension – we will only pass JPG or PNG images in this project. To inspect the file properties, create a new variable called strFileInfo of the FileInfo type and set the scope to the Try-Catch block.
- Let's also add a counter variable called intCounter of the Int32 type and set the scope to Try-Catch as well. We will be using this variable to loop through the Excel cells. Go ahead and set the default value for this variable to "2" since we want to start from the second row in Excel.
- Now that we have the variables, let's use the Assign activity to pass the file information (New FileInfo(item.ToString)) value to the strFileInfo variable we just created. Now, we are ready to inspect the variable for file information. Here is what your For...