We will use the react-native-credit-card-input
library to capture the user's credit card details. For this screen to work, we will request the cart, the user, and several important actions from Redux:
/*** src/screens/Payment.js ***/ import React from 'react'; import { View } from 'react-native'; import { CreditCardInput } from 'react-native-credit-card-input'; import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Icon, Button, Text, Spinner, Title } from 'native-base'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import * as PaymentsActions from '../reducers/payments'; import * as UserActions from '../reducers/user'; import LoginOrRegister from '../components/LoginOrRegister'; class Payment extends React.Component { static navigationOptions = { drawerLabel: 'MyCart', tabBarIcon: () => <Icon name="cart" />, }; state = { validCardDetails: false, cardDetails: null, }; onCardInputChange(creditCardForm) { this.setState...