How to evaluate the performance of a parallel program
The development of parallel programming created the need of performance metrics and a software tool to evaluate the performance of a parallel algorithm in order to decide whether its use is convenient or not. Indeed, the focus of parallel computing is to solve large problems in a relatively short time. The factors that contribute to the achievement of this objective are, for example, the type of hardware used, the degree of parallelism of the problem, and which parallel programming model is adopted. To facilitate this, analysis of basic concepts was introduced, which compares the parallel algorithm obtained from the original sequence. The performance is achieved by analyzing and quantifying the number of threads and/or the number of processes used.
To analyze this, a few performance indexes are introduced: speedup, efficiency, and scaling.
The limitations of a parallel computation are introduced by the Ahmdal's law to evaluate the degree of the efficiency of parallelization of a sequential algorithm we have the Gustafson's law.
Speedup is the measure that displays the benefit of solving a problem in parallel. It is defined as the ratio of the time taken to solve a problem on a single processing element, TS, to the time required to solve the same problem on p identical processing elements, Tp.
We denote speedup by . We have a linear speedup, where if S=p, it means that the speed of execution increases with the number of processors. Of course, this is an ideal case. While the speedup is absolute when Ts is the execution time of the best sequential algorithm, the speedup is relative when Ts is the execution time of the parallel algorithm for a single processor.
Let's recap these conditions:
- S = p is linear or ideal speedup
- S < p is real speedup
- S > p is superlinear speedup
In an ideal world, a parallel system with p processing elements can give us a speedup equal to p. However, this is very rarely achieved. Usually, some time is wasted in either idling or communicating. Efficiency is a performance metric estimating how well-utilized the processors are in solving a task, compared to how much effort is wasted in communication and synchronization.
We denote it by E and can define it as . The algorithms with linear speedup have the value of E = 1; in other cases, the value of E is less than
. The three cases are identified as follows:
- When E = 1, it is a linear case
- When E < 1, it is a real case
- When E<< 1, it is a problem that is parallelizable with low efficiency
Scaling is defined as the ability to be efficient on a parallel machine. It identifies the computing power (speed of execution) in proportion with the number of processors. By increasing the size of the problem and at the same time the number of processors, there will be no loss in terms of performance. The scalable system, depending on the increments of the different factors, may maintain the same efficiency or improve it.
Amdahl's law
Amdahl's law is a widely used law used to design processors and parallel algorithms. It states that the maximum speedup that can be achieved is limited by the serial component of the program: , where 1 – P denotes the serial component (not parallelized) of a program. This means that for, as an example, a program in which 90 percent of the code can be made parallel, but 10 percent must remain serial, the maximum achievable speedup is
even for an infinite number of processors.
Gustafson's law
Gustafson's law is based on the following considerations:
- While increasing the dimension of a problem, its sequential parts remain constant
- While increasing the number of processors, the work required on each of them still remains the same
This states that S(P) = P – α ( P – 1), where P is the number of processors, S is the speedup, and α is the non-parallelizable fraction of any parallel process. This is in contrast to Amdahl's law, which takes the single-process execution time to be the fixed quantity and compares it to a shrinking per process parallel execution time. Thus, Amdahl's law is based on the assumption of a fixed problem size; it assumes that the overall workload of a program does not change with respect to the machine size (that is, the number of processors). Gustafson's law addresses the deficiency of Amdahl's law, which does not take into account the total number of computing resources involved in solving a task. It suggests that the best way to set the time allowed for the solution of a parallel problem is to consider all the computing resources and on the basis of this information, it fixes the problem.