The relational operators are listed in the following screenshot. Each of these is used in an expression of the following format:
Expression RelationalOperator Expression
An example is (Variable1 + 97) > ((Variable2 * 14.5) / 57.332). The following operators can be used:
We will spend a little extra time on the IN operator, because this can be very handy and is not documented elsewhere. The term Valueset in the Evaluation column for IN refers to a list of defined values. It would be reasonable to define Valueset as a container of a defined set of individual values, expressions, or other value sets. Some examples of IN, as used in the standard Business Central product code, are as follows:
GLEntry."Posting Date" IN [0D,WORKDATE] Description[I+2] IN ['0'..'9'] "Gen. Posting Type" IN ["Gen. Posting Type"::Purchase, "Gen. Posting Type"::Sale] SearchString IN ['',&apos...