Creating foliage and the forest Actor Blueprint
In the following section, we will guide you through preparing the essential assets for this chapter. We’ll start with creating foliage, including selecting and customizing plant and tree models. Next, we’ll move on to setting up the forest actor blueprint, which defines the behavior and appearance of the forest elements. By the end of this section, you’ll have a complete set of assets and a functional blueprint to start work with the PCG forest environment.
Creating foliage
For this exercise, we will Megascans Trees: European Beech package from the marketplace. However, this time, we will diversify the trees a little bit to build your PCG graph actor blueprint. We will use the standard grass that you have already used in the previous chapter; it comes from Landscape Pro 2.0 Auto-Generated Material from the marketplace. Let’s pick up a few models from our existing library of trees inside the Content Folder...