In this chapter, we have covered in two common methods for building networked services with Python—RESTful APIs and Web Socket services. We built these services in Python using the Flask microservices framework and the Flask-RESTful and Flask-SocketIO extensions. After we created each server, we also created web page clients. We learned how to use the JavaScript jQuery library to make a RESTful API request and the Socket.IO JavaScript library to perform Web Socket messaging and subscribing.
With this new knowledge, you now have the foundations and a simple end-to-end client-server framework built using Python, HTML, JavaScript, and jQuery that you can expand on and experiment with to create grander IoT applications. For example, as you proceed through Part 3 of this book, IoT Playground, and learn about different electronic sensors and actuators, you'll be in a position to expand and build upon this chapter's examples using different electronic...