Comparing level 1 and level 2 frameworks
In this section, we now look at Enterprise Designer and ArchiMate, to understand their relative uses.
As discussed, Enterprise Designer is a framework of frameworks. It defines a set of 26 primitive components arranged into three layers called past, present, and future. The past is represented by the processes and elements used to configure processes. The present is represented by the customers, and the products and services that they receive. The future is represented by the goals of the organization. Enterprise Designer is also a methodology. The sequence in which you build models, the amount of detail you provide at each level, and the importance you attach to different aspects of the business are all defined.
A strength of Enterprise Designer is its simplicity. The framework can be understood by anyone in the business and it can be applied to any type of business, including government and not for profit. As it is simple, it acts as a lingua franca...