Retrieving CouchDB database statistics
CouchDB HTTP servers can return statistics that are invaluable to system administrators. This information includes requests per second, sizes, and other useful statistics. Fortunately for us, Nmap provides an easy way of retrieving this information.
This recipe describes how to retrieve database statistics for CouchDB HTTP service by using Nmap.
How to do it...
Open your terminal and run Nmap with the following arguments:
# nmap -p5984 --script couchdb-stats
The results will be included in the script output section:
PORT STATE SERVICE 5984/tcp open httpd | couchdb-stats: | httpd_request_methods | PUT (number of HTTP PUT requests) | current = 2 | count = 970 | GET (number of HTTP GET requests) | current = 52 | count = 1208 | couchdb | request_time (length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb) | current = 1 | count = 54 | open_databases (number of open databases...