Chapter 11: Defining Principles for Resource Provisioning and Consumption
Cost control starts with guidelines and principles on when and what type of resources may be deployed and by whom. The way resources are deployed in different cloud platforms is different and needs alignment when an enterprise has adopted a multi-cloud strategy. In this chapter, we will discover that resource planning should be a part of our architecture. We need to define what type of resources we are planning to provision and how we can deploy them using the different methods that Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provide.
We will also learn how we can set budgets in our environment and how cost alerts can be set when budget thresholds are met. We will have a look at the tools that the public clouds provide in terms of cost control and management.
In this chapter, we're going to cover the following main topics:
- Avoiding Amex Armageddon with unlimited budgets
- The provisioning...