Time for action – grabbing an image from a Word document
In Chapter 4, Handing in Work through Moodle, we learned how to convert Microsoft Word and PowerPoint presentations to web pages as a way of overcoming the problem that your students might not have Office installed on their computers at home, and so might not be able to view your document. If you save a document as a web page, grabbing an image is easy:
In Word 2003, select File from the main menu and slide down to Save As... The Save As dialog is displayed.
At the bottom of the Save As dialog, click on the Save as type drop-down list. Select Web Page, Filtered (*.htm; *.html).
Make sure you are happy that Word is about to save your document to the right folder and that you are happy with the name. Press the Save button.
Don't worry about what the next dialog says. Click Yes.
Go to the folder you just saved your document to. In there you should find a folder ending with "
". In there will be your images:
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