Time for action – rating forum posts
We need to reconfigure our forum to allow us to rate posts. If you have returned to the course front page then click on the update icon next to your new forum:
If you haven't left your forum main page then, in the Settings block, click on Edit settings under Forum administration:
On the Editing forum page, scroll down to the Grade box. Select how you want posts to be graded from the aggregate type list. Grades given to posts are used to give students an overall grade for the forum activity. The options should be self-explanatory.
Select the grading scale you want to use. You can use a custom grading method if you want to (see the Time for action – create a custom grade scale section in Chapter 6, Managing Student Work). I'm going to allow a rating out of 10.
Finally, if you want to keep students focused on the particular posts, you can restrict grading to a certain date range. You'll find these settings at the bottom of the Grade box.
And that's it. We're...