Chapter 15 – Instrumenting Brownfield Applications
- Such a service is a good candidate for migration to OpenTelemetry – since we still update it, there is probably a reasonable test infrastructure and the context within the team to prevent and mitigate failures. As a first option, we should consider adding OpenTelemetry with network instrumentation and then gradually migrating existing tools and processes onto the new observability solution, while evolving an OpenTelemetry-based approach.
We can control the costs of this approach with sampling, enabling and moving only essential pieces onto OpenTelemetry. At some point, when we can rely on the new observability solution, we can remove corresponding legacy reporting.
- It’s likely that the .NET runtime version that the legacy service runs on is older than .NET 4.6.2, and then it’s impossible to use OpenTelemetry. Even if a newer version of .NET Framework is used, adding new dependencies,...