Chapter 8. Building a Task Rollup Solution
For organizations that are widely using SharePoint to support workflows or task management, it can be important to find an effective way to make those tasks accessible throughout the system, or at least in particular places like the user's MySite or the front page of a portal. As there is no solution included that meets this need, it represents another great example of a custom solution that can be built to extend the platform to provide a critical business solution.
This chapter will provide an overview of the approaches that can be leveraged to aggregate the tasks from multiple sites into a single display, along with the trade-offs of each approach. In addition to the conceptual overview, the following customizations will be created:
MyTasks Search Web Part
MyTasks Web Part
Task rollup options
To aggregate the tasks into a single listing there are three options that can be considered:
Using search to query the content from the index
Querying the lists...