The path is the tool in Prezi that helps you arrange the order you will move through your presentation. In PowerPoint, you can only move from one slide to the one immediately following or preceding it. If you're moving through paths in Prezi, you still go in order, but you can move anywhere in the Prezi, rather than being forced to stay in close spatial proximity to the last point on your path. Additionally, it is possible to revisit a previous point in the path without having to duplicate the content in order to expand on or emphasize something that may already have been covered. In addition, you can stop following a path at any time and choose to freely scroll or zoom around the canvas.
Creating motion
Paths are incredibly important in Prezi because this is the tool that actually allows us to create the motion for which Prezi is so well known:
This presentation is available at:
In the preceding example, each number represents the order of...