Configuring Apache to utilize SSL
The Chapter 7, Hosting HTTP Content via Apache was all about Apache. There, we walked through how to get it running and configured in order to host a site on our network. But if we were to create a site that would potentially host personally identifiable information, we would want to make sure that we use proper security measures in order to protect that information. Using SSL certificates for our site allows it to be accessed over secure port 443, thus enhancing security. Utilizing SSL isn't the only measure we can make in order to increase security of our web server, but it's definitely a start.
There are two kinds of certificates we can use. We can create a self-signed certificate, or we can register a certificate with a Certificate Authority (CA). The latter is preferred, though if you are only creating a site for internal use, it may be too much overhead. The difference is a self-signed certificate isn't trusted by any browser, since it wouldn't have...