Adding social media integration
First, let us setup a Facebook share integration. Go to that will open the Facebook developer site. Log in with your Facebook login and password:

Click on My Apps
box on the top and select the Add a New App

Type in the name of the game in the Display Name
field. Add your contact e-mail address and select Apps for Pages
option in the Category
list. Then click on the Create App ID
In settings click on + Add Platform
button at the bottom and choose Android. Add the package name for the app and add in the Class Name
field, which will also be in the reverse website name with the class name at the end. When we create a manager in Unity, we have to make sure that the class name matches this:

You will also get an App ID, copy this information as this will be required. Next on the top-right corner, there is a button called DOCs
, click it as we will need to download the Facebook SDK for Unity. Click on Unity SDK from the...