In this section, you will convert the file you viewed in PowerPoint into a Captivate project.
Should you use .ppt or .pptx?
Captivate can import both .ppt and .pptx files. However, when importing a .pptx file, it must first be converted into .ppt before being imported into Captivate. Conversion from .pptx to .ppt requires opening the file in PowerPoint. Consequently, PowerPoint must be installed on your computer when importing a .pptx file into Captivate. When importing a .ppt file, conversion is not needed, and therefore PowerPoint is not mandatory.
Captivate can import both .ppt and .pptx files. However, when importing a .pptx file, it must first be converted into .ppt before being imported into Captivate. Conversion from .pptx to .ppt requires opening the file in PowerPoint. Consequently, PowerPoint must be installed on your computer when importing a .pptx file into Captivate. When importing a .ppt file, conversion is not needed, and therefore PowerPoint is not mandatory.
Before starting this exercise, make sure you have closed the file in PowerPoint. Perform the following steps to convert the PowerPoint presentation into a Captivate project:
- Return to Captivate and close any open files. The exercise begins on the Welcome Screen of Captivate.
- Switch to the New tab of the Welcome Screen, if needed.
- Double-click the From PowerPoint Thumbnail, as...