Using distributed virtual port groups
A description of port groups has already been given in the Using standard port groups section. In this section, you will learn how to use port groups on Distributed Virtual Switches.
Creating distributed virtual port groups
You can use the New-VDPortgroup
cmdlet to create distributed virtual port groups from scratch, from the reference port groups or from an export of a Distributed Virtual Switch. The syntax of the New-VDPortgroup
cmdlet is as follows. The first parameter set is the default one:
New-VDPortgroup [-VDSwitch] <VDSwitch> -Name <String>
[-Notes <String>] [-NumPorts <Int32>] [-VlanId <Int32>]
[-VlanTrunkRange <VlanRangeList>] [-PortBinding
<DistributedPortGroupPortBinding>] [-RunAsync]
[-Server <VIServer[]>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
The second parameter set can be used to create a port group from a reference port group: