- active checks
- about / Understanding passive checks
- benefits / Understanding passive checks
- ActiveState
- URL / Introducing Nagios customizations
- ActiveTcl
- URL / Performing checks with NRPE protocol
- adaptive monitoring
- about / Using adaptive monitoring
- using / Using adaptive monitoring
- ADD_HOST_COMMENT command / Adding comments to hosts and services
- ADD_SVC_COMMENT command / Adding comments to hosts and services
- administrative user
- creating, for web interface / Creating an administrative user for Nagios
- advanced configuration, Nagios
- maintainable configurations, creating / Creating maintainable configurations
- file structure, configuring / Configuring the file structure
- dependencies, defining / Defining the dependencies
- host dependencies, creating / Creating the host dependencies
- service dependencies, creating / Creating the service dependencies
- templates, using / Using the templates
- templates, creating / Creating the templates
- multiple templates, inheriting from / Inheriting from multiple templates
- custom variables, using / Using the custom variables
- flapping / Understanding flapping
- Advanced Packaging Tool (APT)
- about / Checking for updates with APT
- used, for checking updates / Checking for updates with APT
- AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) machines / Creating maintainable configurations
- alert histogram report
- about / Generating reports
- Ansible
- URL / Configuring Nagios instances
- autoie package / Checking websites
- availability report
- about / Generating reports
- monitoring / Monitoring Amazon Web Services
- @core squeuestats command / Using the core service
- C/C++ / Introducing Nagios customizations
- CentOS / Obtaining NRPE
- Central Perl Archive Network (CPAN)
- URL / Sending instant messages via Jabber
- ceptcl package
- URL / Using the query handler programmatically
- cfengine
- URL / Configuring Nagios instances
- CGI (Common Gateway Interface) / Setting up the web interface
- CHANGE_CUSTOM_CONTACT_ command / Modifying custom variables
- CHANGE_CUSTOM_HOST_VAR command / Modifying custom variables
- CHANGE_CUSTOM_SVC_VAR command / Modifying custom variables
- check_by_ssh plugin / Monitoring over SSH
- using / Using the check_by_ssh plugin
- check_dummy command / Creating the host and service objects
- check_http plugin / Checking websites
- check_ifoperstatus plugin / Using SNMP from Nagios
- check_ifstatus plugin / Using SNMP from Nagios
- check_interval / Creating event handlers
- check_linux_services_by_ssh / Performing multiple checks
- check_mrtg plugin / Using additional plugins
- check_nt command
- used, for performing tests / Performing tests using check_nt
- syntax and options / Performing tests using check_nt
- check_snmp command / Using SNMP from Nagios
- check_swap_by_ssh command / Using the check_by_ssh plugin
- check_swap_nrpe command / Configuring Nagios for NRPE
- Chef
- URL / Configuring Nagios instances
- using / Performing tests using check_nt
- clouds
- about / Virtualization and clouds
- public / Virtualization and clouds
- private / Virtualization and clouds
- CloudWatch / Monitoring Amazon Web Services
- commands
- sending, to Nagios / Sending commands to Nagios
- comments, adding to hosts and services / Adding comments to hosts and services
- host and service checks, scheduling / Scheduling host and service checks
- custom variables, modifying / Modifying custom variables
- writing, for sending notifications / Writing commands to send notifications
- comments
- managing / Managing comments
- Component Object Model (COM) / Checking websites
- Concurrent Versions System (CVS)
- URL / Configuring Nagios instances
- configure command / Compiling and installing Nagios
- connectivity
- testing, TCP and UDP used / Testing the connectivity using TCP and UDP
- connectToNagios command / Displaying real-time status updates
- core service
- using / Using the core service
- CPULOAD variable
- using / Performing tests using check_nt
- cron / Introducing Nagios customizations
- custom active checks
- creating / Creating custom active checks
- MySQL database correctness, testing / Testing the correctness of the MySQL database
- local time, monitoring with time server / Monitoring local time with a time server
- plugins, writing / Writing plugins correctly
- customizations
- Nagios / Introducing Nagios customizations
- custom variables
- using / Using the custom variables
- used, for performing checks / Customizing checks with custom variables
- database systems
- monitoring / Monitoring the database systems
- MySQL, checking / Checking MySQL
- PostgreSQL, checking / Checking PostgreSQL
- Oracle, checking / Checking Oracle
- databases, checking / Checking other databases
- data objects, SNMP
- about / Understanding data objects
- data types, SNMP
- string / Understanding data objects
- Integer and Integer32 / Understanding data objects
- Counters32 and Counter64 / Understanding data objects
- gauges / Understanding data objects
- time tick / Understanding data objects
- IP address / Understanding data objects
- decryption_method / Configuring the NSCA server
- DEL_ALL_HOST_COMMENTS command / Adding comments to hosts and services
- DEL_ALL_SVC_COMMENTS command / Adding comments to hosts and services
- DEL_HOST_COMMENT command / Adding comments to hosts and services
- DEL_SVC_COMMENT command / Adding comments to hosts and services
- DHCP protocol
- verifying / Verifying the DHCP protocol
- disk space, storage space
- checking / Checking the disk space
- disk status, storage space
- monitoring, SMART used / Monitoring the disk status using SMART
- distributed monitoring
- about / Understanding distributed monitoring
- obsessive notifications / Introducing obsessive notifications
- obsessive notifications, setting up / Introducing obsessive notifications
- Nagios instances, configuring / Configuring Nagios instances
- freshness checking, performing / Performing freshness checking
- templates, using / Using templates for distributed monitoring
- downtimes
- managing / Managing downtime
- statuses, checking / Checking downtime statuses
- scheduling / Scheduling downtime
- e-mail servers
- monitoring / Monitoring the e-mail servers
- POP3 server, checking / Checking the POP3 and IMAP servers
- IMAP server, checking / Checking the POP3 and IMAP servers
- SMTP protocol, testing / Testing the SMTP protocol
- EC2
- about / Monitoring Amazon Web Services
- escalations
- about / Understanding escalations
- setting up / Setting up escalations
- types / Setting up escalations
- host escalation / Setting up escalations
- service escalations / Setting up escalations
- working / Understanding how escalations work
- event handlers
- about / Creating event handlers
- services, restarting automatically / Restarting services automatically
- notifications, modifying / Modifying notifications
- external commands pipe
- about / Sending commands to Nagios
- limitation / Sending commands to Nagios
- Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)
- URL / Communicating with the query handler
- fileevent command / Displaying real-time status updates
- flapping
- about / Understanding flapping
- threshold, calculating / Understanding flapping
- threshold values / Understanding flapping
- free space, storage space
- testing / Testing the free space for remote shares
- FTP server
- checking / Checking the FTP server
- Gammu
- URL / Notifying users with text messages
- getInsertIndex command / Displaying real-time status updates
- get_resource() function / Monitoring VMware
- Git
- URL / Configuring the file structure, Configuring Nagios instances
- Gnokii
- URL / Notifying users with text messages
- Gource visualization tool / Introducing Nagios Event Radio Dispatcher
- used, for displaying checks / Displaying checks using Gource
- GPL Version 3 license
- URL / Obtaining Nagios
- graphical tools
- using, in Net-SNMP package / Using graphical tools
- Hg
- URL / Configuring the file structure
- HipChat
- integrating with / Integrating with HipChat
- about / Integrating with HipChat
- URL / Integrating with HipChat
- host and service objects
- creating / Creating the host and service objects
- hostchecks channel / Introducing Nagios Event Radio Dispatcher
- host dependencies
- creating / Creating the host dependencies
- host escalation
- defining / Setting up escalations
- hosts
- managing / Managing hosts
- statuses, checking / Checking statuses
- host information, viewing / Viewing host information
- HtmlUnit / Checking websites
- http / Checking websites
- HttpUnit / Checking websites
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) / The benefits of monitoring resources
- IMAP server
- checking / Checking the POP3 and IMAP servers
- about / Checking the POP3 and IMAP servers
- inetd
- wikipedia link / Configuring the NSCA server
- inform packet / Introducing SNMP
- Jabber
- using, for instant messaging / Sending instant messages via Jabber
- about / Sending instant messages via Jabber
- URL / Sending instant messages via Jabber
- Java
- URL / Introducing Nagios customizations
- Java Native Interface (JNI) / Using the query handler programmatically
- jnr-unixsocket
- URL / Using the query handler programmatically
- Joomla! / Checking websites
- libmcrypt package / Compiling NSCA
- libnagios
- about / What's new in Nagios 4.0, Programming in C with libnagios
- used, for programming in C / Programming in C with libnagios
- lm-sensors
- info, gathering from / Gathering information from the lm-sensors
- loadctl command / Using the core service
- logged-in users, resources
- checking / Monitoring the logged-in users
- LWP / Checking websites
- maintainable configurations
- creating / Creating maintainable configurations
- Management Information Base (MIB) / Introducing SNMP
- Manubulon website / Using additional plugins
- master / Understanding distributed monitoring
- max_check_attempts / Creating event handlers
- mbrowse
- about / Using graphical tools
- URL / Using graphical tools
- MCrypt library
- URL / Using NSCA
- mechanize / Checking websites
- MEMUSE variable
- using / Performing tests using check_nt
- monitoring, NRPE used
- performing / Monitoring using NRPE
- monitoring, over SSH
- performing / Monitoring over SSH
- SSH connection, configuring / Configuring the SSH connection
- check_by_ssh plugin, using / Using the check_by_ssh plugin
- multiple checks, performing / Performing multiple checks
- SSH-based checks, troubleshooting / Troubleshooting the SSH-based checks
- monitoring resources
- benefits / The benefits of monitoring resources
- about / The benefits of monitoring resources
- Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) package
- URL / Using additional plugins
- checking / Checking MySQL
- Nagios
- about / Understanding the basics of Nagios
- features / Understanding the basics of Nagios, Main features
- system monitoring / Understanding the basics of Nagios
- benefit / Understanding the basics of Nagios
- monitoring resources, benefits / The benefits of monitoring resources
- object types / Main features
- soft and hard states, using / Soft and hard states
- improvements / What's new in Nagios 4.0
- installing / Installation
- web interface, setting up / Setting up the web interface
- checks, performing / Understanding how checks work
- event handlers / Creating event handlers
- adaptive monitoring / Using adaptive monitoring
- monitoring, over SSH / Monitoring over SSH
- monitoring, NRPE used / Monitoring using NRPE
- configuring, for NRPE / Configuring Nagios for NRPE
- customizations / Introducing Nagios customizations
- managing / Managing Nagios
- Nagios 4.0
- features / What's new in Nagios 4.0
- nagioscmd / Sending commands to Nagios
- nagioscmd group / Setting up users and groups
- Nagios configuration
- about / Configuring Nagios
- nagios.cfg, creating / Creating the main configuration file
- macro definitions, using / Understanding macro definitions
- hosts, configuring / Configuring hosts
- host groups, configuring / Configuring host groups
- services, configuring / Configuring services
- service groups, configuring / Configuring service groups
- commands, configuring / Configuring commands
- time periods, configuring / Configuring time periods
- contacts, configuring / Configuring contacts
- contact groups, configuring / Configuring contact groups
- verifying / Verifying the configuration
- notifications, configuring / Understanding notifications
- templates, defining / Templates and object inheritance
- object inheritance / Templates and object inheritance
- Nagios Dash / Third-party Nagios web interfaces
- Nagios Dashboard
- about / Third-party Nagios web interfaces
- URL / Third-party Nagios web interfaces
- Nagios Event Radio Dispatcher (NERD)
- about / What's new in Nagios 4.0
- Nagios Exchange
- URL / Checking other databases, Monitoring Amazon Web Services
- NagiosExchange website
- URL / Obtaining Nagios
- Nagios information
- about / Nagios information
- process Information, viewing / Viewing process information
- performance information, checking / Checking performance information
- Nagios installation
- performing / Installation
- upgrading / Upgrading from previous versions
- prerequisites, installing / Installing prerequisites
- Nagios, obtaining / Obtaining Nagios
- users and groups, setting up / Setting up users and groups
- Nagios, compiling / Compiling and installing Nagios
- Nagios plugins, compiling / Compiling and installing Nagios plugins
- Nagios plugins, installing / Compiling and installing Nagios plugins
- Nagios, setting as system service / Setting up Nagios as a system service
- error, solving, with script / Resolving errors with script for Nagios system service
- Nagios instances, distributed monitoring
- configuring / Configuring Nagios instances
- Nagios plugins / Obtaining Nagios
- Nagios process
- monitoring / Monitoring the Nagios process
- Nagios Service Check Acceptor (NSCA) protocol / Monitoring Windows hosts
- Nagios Status Check Acceptor (NSCA) protocol / Introducing Nagios customizations
- NagiosTV
- about / Third-party Nagios web interfaces
- Nagios V-Shell
- about / Third-party Nagios web interfaces
- nagios_analyzed / Introducing Nagios customizations
- Naupy / Introducing Nagios customizations
- about / Introducing Nagios Event Radio Dispatcher
- real-time status updates, displaying / Displaying real-time status updates
- checks, displaying with Gource / Displaying checks using Gource
- Net-SNMP commands
- parameters / Working with SNMP and MIB
- Net-SNMP package
- URL / Working with SNMP and MIB
- about / Working with SNMP and MIB
- installing / Working with SNMP and MIB
- graphical tools, using / Using graphical tools
- Netcat
- URL / Communicating with the query handler
- netfilter
- URL / Configuring NSCA for secure communication
- network services
- monitoring / Monitoring network services
- FTP server, checking / Checking the FTP server
- DHCP protocol, verifying / Verifying the DHCP protocol
- Nagios process, monitoring / Monitoring the Nagios process
- websites, testing / Testing the websites
- network software
- monitoring / Monitoring the network software
- notifications
- setting up / Creating effective notifications
- multiple notifications, using / Using multiple notifications
- instant messaging, via Jabber / Sending instant messages via Jabber
- users, notifying with text messages / Notifying users with text messages
- about / Monitoring using NRPE
- daemon / Monitoring using NRPE
- check command / Monitoring using NRPE
- downloading / Obtaining NRPE
- compiling / Compiling NRPE
- daemon, configuring / Configuring the NRPE daemon
- setting up, as system service / Setting up NRPE as a system service
- Nagios, configuring for NRPE / Configuring Nagios for NRPE
- command arguments, using with / Using command arguments with NRPE
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting NRPE
- comparing, with SSH / Comparing NRPE and SSH
- NRPE protocol
- used, for performing checks / Performing checks with NRPE protocol
- using / Using NSCA
- about / Using NSCA
- downloading / Downloading NSCA
- compiling / Compiling NSCA
- configuring / Configuring the NSCA server
- results, sending over / Sending results over NSCA
- configuring, for secure communication / Configuring NSCA for secure communication
- NSCA Protocol
- used, for performing passive checks / Performing passive checks using NSCA Protocol
- NSClient++
- URL / Monitoring Windows hosts
- about / Setting up NSClient++
- setting up / Setting up NSClient++
- configuring / Setting up NSClient++
- Object Identifiers (OIDs)
- URL / Understanding data objects
- about / Understanding data objects
- object types
- commands / Main features
- time periods / Main features
- hosts and host groups / Main features
- services / Main features
- contacts and contact groups / Main features
- notifications / Main features
- escalations / Main features
- obsessive notifications
- about / Introducing obsessive notifications
- setting up / Introducing obsessive notifications
- opathchecks channel / Introducing Nagios Event Radio Dispatcher
- openssl command / Compiling NRPE
- operations
- monitoring / Monitoring other operations
- updates, checking with APT / Checking for updates with APT
- UPS status, monitoring / Monitoring the UPS status
- info, gathering from lm-sensors / Gathering information from the lm-sensors
- dummy check plugin, using / Using the dummy check plugin
- plugin output, manipulating / Manipulating other plugins' output
- Oracle
- about / Checking Oracle
- checking / Checking Oracle
- Oracle System Identifier (SID) / Checking Oracle
- ord function / Using the core service
- Packet Loss (PKTLOSS) / Testing the connection to a remote host
- PAMIE package / Checking websites
- passive checks
- about / Understanding passive checks
- example / Understanding passive checks
- benefits / Understanding passive checks
- performing / Understanding passive checks
- configuring / Configuring passive checks
- results, sending for hosts / Sending passive check results for hosts
- results, sending for services / Sending passive check results for services
- troubleshooting errors / Troubleshooting errors
- using / Using passive checks
- Perl
- URL / Introducing Nagios customizations
- PHP / Setting up the web interface
- URL / Introducing Nagios customizations
- Pidgin
- about / Sending instant messages via Jabber
- URL / Sending instant messages via Jabber
- Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) / Understanding data objects
- POP3 server
- about / Checking the POP3 and IMAP servers
- checking / Checking the POP3 and IMAP servers
- PostgreSQL
- about / Checking PostgreSQL
- checking / Checking PostgreSQL
- private clouds / Virtualization and clouds
- processes, resources
- checking / Checking the processes
- PROCSTATE variable
- using / Performing tests using check_nt
- public clouds / Virtualization and clouds
- Puppet
- URL / Configuring Nagios instances
- Pynag / Introducing Nagios customizations
- Python
- URL / Introducing Nagios customizations
- query handler
- about / Introducing the query handler
- communicating with / Communicating with the query handler
- using / Using the query handler programmatically
- core service / Using the core service
- NERD / Introducing Nagios Event Radio Dispatcher
- real-time status updates, NERD
- displaying / Displaying real-time status updates
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) / Obtaining NRPE
- remote host connection
- testing, standard network plugins used / Testing the connection to a remote host
- reports
- generating / Generating reports
- types / Generating reports
- requests / Checking websites
- resources
- monitoring / Monitoring the resources
- system load, checking / Checking the system load
- processes, checking / Checking the processes
- logged-in users, checking / Monitoring the logged-in users
- Round Trip Average (RTA) / Testing the connection to a remote host
- Ruby
- URL / Introducing Nagios customizations
- about / Introducing Nagios customizations
- RubyGems package / Monitoring Amazon Web Services
- SCHEDULE_FORCED_HOST_ command / Scheduling host and service checks
- SCHEDULE_FORCED_HOST_SVC_CHECKS command / Scheduling host and service checks
- SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK command / Scheduling host and service checks
- SCHEDULE_HOST_ command / Scheduling host and service checks
- SCHEDULE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS command / Scheduling host and service checks
- Secure Shell (SSH) server / Understanding the basics of Nagios
- send_nsca command / Configuring Nagios instances
- servicechecks channel / Introducing Nagios Event Radio Dispatcher
- service dependencies
- creating / Creating the service dependencies
- service escalation
- defining / Setting up escalations
- services
- managing / Managing services
- statuses, checking / Checking statuses
- service information, viewing / Viewing service information
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
- about / Testing the SMTP protocol
- testing / Testing the SMTP protocol
- slave / Understanding distributed monitoring
- about / Monitoring the disk status using SMART
- used, for monitoring disk space / Monitoring the disk status using SMART
- about / Introducing SNMP
- data objects / Understanding data objects
- data types / Understanding data objects
- SNMP-Nagios integration
- about / Using SNMP from Nagios
- performing / Using SNMP from Nagios
- traps, receiving / Receiving traps
- additional plugins / Using additional plugins
- Check Plugins / Using additional plugins
- Software plugin / Using additional plugins
- SNMP category plugin / Using additional plugins
- SNMP agent
- setting up / Setting up an SNMP agent
- verifying / Setting up an SNMP agent
- SNMP trap / Introducing SNMP
- SNMPv1 / Introducing SNMP
- SNMPv2c / Introducing SNMP
- SNMPv3 / Introducing SNMP
- SNMP versions
- version 1 / Introducing SNMP
- version 2 / Introducing SNMP
- version 3 / Introducing SNMP
- snmpwalk command / Working with SNMP and MIB
- socat
- URL / Communicating with the query handler
- soft and hard states
- using / Soft and hard states
- SourceForge project / Obtaining Nagios
- comparing, with NRPE / Comparing NRPE and SSH
- SSH-based checks
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting the SSH-based checks
- ssh-keygen command / Configuring the SSH connection
- SSH connection
- configuring / Configuring the SSH connection
- about / Alternatives to SSH and NRPE
- standard network plugins
- about / Monitoring using the standard network plugins
- used, for monitoring / Monitoring using the standard network plugins
- used, for monitoring remote host connection / Testing the connection to a remote host
- used, for testing connectivity / Testing the connectivity using TCP and UDP
- status map, web interface
- viewing / Viewing the status map
- storage space
- monitoring / Monitoring the storage space
- swap space, checking / Checking the swap space
- disk status, monitoring with SMART / Monitoring the disk status using SMART
- disk space, checking / Checking the disk space
- free space, testing for remote shares / Testing the free space for remote shares
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- wiki URL / Performing tests using check_nt
- Subprocess API / Using passive checks
- Subversion
- URL / Configuring Nagios instances
- URL / Configuring the file structure
- swap space, storage space
- monitoring / Checking the swap space
- system load, resources
- checking / Checking the system load
- system monitoring
- about / Understanding the basics of Nagios
- hosts / Understanding the basics of Nagios
- services / Understanding the basics of Nagios
- tactical overview, web interface
- checking / Checking the tactical overview
- Tcl
- URL / Introducing Nagios customizations
- about / Introducing Nagios customizations
- Tcl/tK based Interactive Network EDitor (TkIned) / Using graphical tools
- templates
- creating / Creating the templates
- templates, for distributed monitoring
- using / Using templates for distributed monitoring
- about / Using templates for distributed monitoring
- local / Using templates for distributed monitoring
- remote / Using templates for distributed monitoring
- host and service objects, creating / Creating the host and service objects
- checks, customizing with custom variables / Customizing checks with custom variables
- third-party Nagios web interfaces
- about / Third-party Nagios web interfaces
- Nagios Dashboard / Third-party Nagios web interfaces
- NagiosTV / Third-party Nagios web interfaces
- Nagios V-Shell / Third-party Nagios web interfaces
- third-party plugins
- using / Using third-party plugins
- TIMESTAMP / Sending commands to Nagios
- treeview widget / Displaying real-time status updates
- trend report
- about / Generating reports
- troubleshooting
- web interface / Troubleshooting
- troubleshooting errors, passive checks / Troubleshooting errors
- Twilio
- URL / Notifying users with text messages
- Twofish / Configuring NSCA for secure communication
- Unix domain sockets / Introducing the query handler
- UPS status
- monitoring / Monitoring the UPS status
- using / Performing tests using check_nt
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
- URL / Introducing SNMP
- communication types / Introducing SNMP
- VmPerl API / Monitoring VMware
- VMware
- monitoring / Monitoring VMware
- VMware Server
- URL / Monitoring VMware
- Watir / Checking websites
- webautotest / Checking websites
- webautotest package / Checking websites
- web interface
- setting up / Setting up the web interface
- web server, configuring / Configuring the web server
- administrative user, creating / Creating an administrative user for Nagios
- accessing / Accessing the web interface
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting
- using / Using the web interface
- tactical overview, checking / Checking the tactical overview
- status map, viewing / Viewing the status map
- theme, changing / Changing the look of the Nagios web interface
- websites
- testing / Testing the websites
- checking / Checking websites
- Windows hosts, monitoring
- performing / Monitoring Windows hosts
- NSClient++, setting up / Setting up NSClient++
- NSClient++, configuring / Setting up NSClient++
- test performing, check_nt used / Performing tests using check_nt
- checks, performing with NRPE protocol / Performing checks with NRPE protocol
- passive checks, performing with NSCA protocol / Performing passive checks using NSCA Protocol
- Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
- wiki URL / Performing tests using check_nt
- about / Performing tests using check_nt
- xinetd setup
- URL / Configuring the NSCA server