The check tree
The tree panel also has the ability to add checkboxes to its nodes. To do this, we need to add one more property to each node in the data source that we are applying to the tree panel.
Let's use the first example of this chapter, and we will change the root
property (data) as follows:
root: { text: 'My Application', expanded: true, checked:false, children: [{ text: 'app', checked:false, children:[ { leaf:true, text: 'Application.js', checked:false } ] },{ text: 'controller', expanded: true, children: [], checked:false },{ text: 'model', expanded:true, checked:false, children: [ {leaf:true, text: 'clients.js', checked:false}, {leaf:true, text: 'providers.js', checked:false}, {leaf:true, text: 'users.js', checked:false} ] },{ text: 'store', checked:true, children: [ {leaf:true, text: 'clients.js', checked:false}, {leaf:true, text: 'providers.js', checked:true...