Updating documents
After executing some basic SELECT
queries against our collection, it is time to do some updating. This means looking up the document, changing information, and saving it to the collection. Consider the following C# code snippet:
Updating documents
In the following code snippets, we will update a document, set a new date of birth, and save the document to the collection.
To enable faster processing, we store the DateTime
fields as epoch values so that range queries are executed efficiently.
I used information from the official Azure blogs (http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/2014/11/19/working-with-dates-in-azure-documentdb-4/) to create the following code snippet. Instead of comparing dates, the corresponding epoch values are compared inside the query. First, a document is retrieved from the collection using a filter on the first and last name. A new date of birth value is created and written back to the collection. The code is as follows:
var documentByLinq = (from c in client...