Monitoring Real-Time Analytics activity
With Fabric Real-Time Analytics, there are two main areas that need to be monitored: eventstreams and KQL database activity. While there is no centralized report to see activity across all eventstreams and KQL databases inside a workspace, the relevant information can be found by navigating to each item individually. Because the experience is slightly different for each of these two items, let’s look at them individually.
Monitoring eventstreams
Recall from Chapter 5, Building an End-to-End Analytics System – Real-Time Analytics, that an eventstream captures, transforms, and routes events to destinations such as KQL databases or Fabric lakehouses. There are two options for monitoring the health and performance of an eventstream, and both are available from the eventstream editor.
The first option, Data insights, displays a variety of metrics related to performance and health. This chart allows you to easily determine if...