Using vClusters for Tenants
In the KinD chapter, we explained that KinD is nested in Docker to provide us with a full Kubernetes cluster. We compared this to nesting dolls, where components are embedded in other components, which can cause confusion to users who are newer to containers and Kubernetes. vCluster is a similar concept – it creates a virtual cluster in the main host clusters, and while it does appear to be a standard Kubernetes cluster, it is nested within the host clusters. Keep this in mind as you are reading the rest of the chapter.
In the previous section, we walked through the benefits and challenges of multitenancy and how those challenges impact Kubernetes. In this section, we’re going to introduce the vCluster project from Loft Labs, which allows you to run a Kubernetes control plane inside of an unprivileged namespace. This allows each tenant to get their own “virtual” Kubernetes infrastructure that they can have complete control...