In the past five years, almost everyone working on web applications has used jQuery; but when you start working with a more complex app, you understand how difficult it is to work in such a low-level way. This is the reason behind KnockoutJS—to help you to build Rich Web Application by thinking in a high-level way, with models and not worrying about the DOM anymore. In this way, you can think about products to show, user profiles, and working days, not about table rows and columns, and you can scale up in complexity easily.
This book starts with a simple project to show you how to use all the basic features of KnockoutJS, then it will go through four other projects, to teach you how to use this library in different contexts.
The goal of this book is to teach you how to create fully testable web applications from real-world solutions with the powerful data-binding offered by KnockoutJS, how to bind all the components of a web application together—no matter how big it is, how to create new reusable components by yourself, and how to integrate external libraries easily.