Laws on the Books
If you read my first book, Dodging the Bullets: A Disaster Preparation Guide for Joomla! Web Sites, you will know I am a huge fan of Sun Tzu, the author of The Art of War.
Master Sun Tzu advocates knowing your enemy. We will continue with this well-grounded point of view in this chapter.
In this chapter, you will be introduced to some knowledge that can easily be twisted to use it for malevolent purposes. The prime point in the full or partial disclosure debate is that by disclosing a vulnerability, you give people the power to break into sites. The tools are shown and discussed here with the same context in mind. With that, I would strongly encourage you to be a man or woman of character and not use this to attack other sites or use it for illegal means. If you are of weak a character, or think you won't get caught breaking in, please note one of the many statutes in the law books of the United States Government, which includes the following penalties:
Offense under 1029...