Smart querying using quick search
The name says it all! JIRA allows smart querying using its Quick Search functionality and it enables the users to find critical information with ease. There is a pre-defined set of search keywords that JIRA recognizes and we can use them to search smart and fast!
In this recipe, we will look at how we can do smart querying on some of the JIRA fields.
How to do it...
Before we start, the Quick Search box is located at the right-hand top corner of JIRA, as shown:

The following is how we can search on some of the fields as of JIRA 4.4. Don't forget to check how many of them are supported in your version of JIRA!
Issue key: If you already know the issue key that you want to see, it doesn't get any better! Just type the issue key in the Quick Search box and JIRA will take you to the view issue page.
And there's more! If you are browsing a project or viewing an issue and if you want to see another issue for which the key is known, all you need to type is the number...