Chapter 6. Running JavaFX Applications on the Raspberry Pi
Welcome to the IoT (Internet of Things) world. There is no doubt that you hear this term around all the time. IoT has become a hot topic of late, and for good reason too. Some estimates put the number of connected small devices somewhere around 9 billion currently; it's projected to jump to 24 billion devices by 2020. While the projections vary, the assessment really doesn't: in terms of sheer numbers, the IoT is going to dwarf any computing models ever seen.
Very closely related to the IoT world, we have the Raspberry Pi—a credit card-sized microcomputer designed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation for experimentation and education.
What you should know about the Raspberry Pi is that it is nothing but a small computer. Small power requirements, small physical size, small memory, and most importantly a low-cost device. Everything about it is small, but it is still just a computer and it uses Linux.
Java was made...