IaaC with Terraform
Armed with the information, we know that there are several ways to address the Development Operations (DevOps) and this largely varies depending on the kind of the organization, the processes that they use, and the kind of applications they develop.
However, we know that IaaC is a great way to be able to deploy the needed virtual environment (or stack) for the development or production. We also know that each service down cloud seems to have its own IaaC service and even its own format. So, when we are dealing with a hybrid cloud, we will need to create and manage two sets of IaaC templates with two different syntaxes in order to create it.
In our example, where we use a hybrid cloud of OpenStack and AWS, we will need to manage Heat and CloudFormation templates and also know the nuances of both of the IaaC templates. This becomes an operational challenge and in order to solve this, Terraform (https://www.terraform.io) was introduced. This tool has both a community version...