Using post-processing
Post-processing is a Unity feature that allows us to apply a stack of effects (several effects) one on top of the other to alter the final look of an image. Each one will affect the finished frame, changing the final image the user sees. In Figure 13.1, you can see a scene before and after applying image effects. You will notice a dramatic difference, but that scene doesn’t have any changes in its objects, including lights, particles, and meshes.
The effects applied are based on a per-pixel level. Have a look at both the scenes here:
Figure 13.1: A scene without image effects (left) and the same scene with effects (right)
In this section, we will discuss the following URP post-processing concepts:
- Setting up a profile
- Using basic effects
By mastering these URP post-processing concepts, you’ll be able to transform your scenes from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Let’s start preparing our scene...