Here is our code for subscribing to our deployment messages. As in previous chapters, we create our connection to RabbitMQ, create our exchange and queue, bind them together, and then subscribe to our messages, providing the procedure we will use to process our messages:
public void Subscribe()
Bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost",
x =>
x.Register<IConventions, AttributeBasedConventions>();
IExchange exchange = Bus.Advanced.ExchangeDeclare
("EvolvedAI", ExchangeType.Topic);\
IQueue queue = Bus.Advanced.QueueDeclare("Deployments");
Bus.Advanced.Bind(exchange, queue, "");
Bus.Subscribe<DeploymentStartMessage>("Deployment.Start", msg => { ProcessDeploymentStartMessage(msg); },
config => config.WithTopic("Deployments"));