Different ways to create an AKS cluster
In this chapter, you will use the Azure portal to deploy your AKS cluster. There are, however, multiple ways to create an AKS cluster:
- Using the portal: The portal offers a graphical user interface (GUI) for deploying your cluster through a wizard. This is a great way to deploy your first cluster. For multiple deployments or automated deployments, one of the following methods is recommended.
- Using the Azure CLI: The Azure command-line interface (CLI) is a cross-platform CLI for managing Azure resources. This allows you to script your cluster deployment, which can be integrated into other scripts.
- Using Azure PowerShell: Azure PowerShell is a set of PowerShell commands used for managing Azure resources directly from PowerShell. It can also be used to create Kubernetes clusters.
- Using ARM templates: Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates are an Azure-native way to deploy Azure resources using Infrastructure...