SPI Flash File System (SPIFFS) is a filesystem created for small embedded systems. SPIFFS has many advantages since it allows you to create files and simulate directories.
The following are the features of SPIFFS:
- Designed for low RAM use on microcontrollers
- Uses statically sized RAM buffers
- Posix-like api: open, close, read, write, seek, stat, and so on
- It can run on any NOR flash, not only the SPI flash. Multiple SPIFFS configurations can run on the same target - and even on the same SPI flash device
- Implements static wear levelling
- Built-in filesystem consistency checks
- Highly configurable and can be adapted for a variety of flash types
I highly encourage you to use SPIFFS in your designs to store data in NOR flash since it is very easy to read and write data, is like a *nix filesystem.
Filesystem size depends on the flash chip size. Depending on the board that is...