Chapter 16: Conclusion – End of the Road, but not the Journey
You have now reached the final chapter of this book. Over the previous 15 chapters, a variety of topics have been covered. As you may have noticed, the book was grouped into three areas—development, DevOps with monitoring, and finally security. So, let's take the time to recap what we studied in each area and where we can go next.
First, we will run through an overview of what we learned in the book. Next, a summary of the skills we acquired on the development front will be presented. After this, we will explore where we can go next to learn more about DevOps with containers and expand our newly learned skills. Our penultimate review will consider what we learned about security and how we can stay on top of it. Then, we will finish up with a general conclusion on everything we've studied.
In order to review these items, we've broken them down into the following topics in this chapter: