Argo CD
When we established our foundations in Section 2, Establishing the Foundation, we bootstrapped all of our builds, deployment, and tooling using Helm and Argo CD. We made some opinionated choices when running that bootstrap automation and it's worth discussing some of the trade-offs we made in a bit more detail. We followed our call to action when establishing our technical foundation and planned out what worked for us as the PetBattle product team and reviewed and discussed what was working and not working so well.
It turned out that for our development team, bootstrapping all of the CI/CD tools became an extremely important task. We had been given an arbitrary (but necessary) constraint that our development OpenShift cluster needed to be rebuilt from scratch every two weeks. So we needed to be confident that our CI and CD could stand up quickly and repeatedly. By following our everything-as-code practice, all of our OpenShift infrastructure definitions, CI/CD tooling...