In the previous section, we learned how to unidirectionally bind a data field to a component's property value. The binding that was created to achieve the task was TLinkPropertyToField, while the target component that was used (TText) was a read-only one. But what if we switch to a read-write component in order to let the user change data?
In this section, we are going to use a bidirectional link between the data and target component since we want the component to keep reflecting changes on the dataset side (navigation over records, changes that have been applied to the record's content, and more). However, at the same time, changes may happen on the component side (because of user interaction, for example), and we want them to be applied to the dataset as well.
Here, we will try to use a TEdit component (Edit1) and bind it to the Salary field of the dataset. In the LiveBindings Designer window...