- abstraction layer, standard UI login
- about / Abstract this, abstract that
- uniform size, ensuring / When size really does matter
- device, setting / Let the device help you
- login button / That button, though…
- address book
- incorporating, in messenger application / Addressing issues
- address storage class, creating / The address storage class
- internal address book, accessing / Accessing the internal address book
- Xamarin Mobile component, using / Using the Xamarin mobile component
- viewing / Viewing the address book
- WeakReference / What is WeakReference?
- BindingContext, using / Using BindingContext
- Aggregate method / Aggregate
- All method / All
- Android
- Xamarin Forms, instantiating within / Android
- WebViews / Displaying a web page from a file – Android
- maps, setting up / Setting up on Android
- setting up, for push notifications / Setting up Android for push notifications
- geolocation events, adding to / Adding the geolocation events to Android
- about / Let's make a start – Android
- connectivity code, setting up / Setting up your Android code
- broadcast receiver, creating / Broadcast whatcha-ma-call-it?
- interface, setting up / Setting up the interface
- connectivity, listening on Windows Phone / Listening for connectivity on Windows Phone
- notification, adding / Adding a notification
- Android custom renderer
- about / An Android custom renderer
- Android native platform storage
- about / The Android native platform storage
- Android push notifications
- setting up, in app / Setting up the Android push notifications in the app
- additional permissions / Additional permissions
- broadcast receiver / The broadcast receiver
- Android service
- about / The Android service
- register action / The Register action
- unregister action / The Unregister action
- return value, using / Listening for a return
- receive / Receive
- actions, handling in code / Handling the actions in code
- Android UI
- about / Back to basics, Uncle Tommy, there's more at the door…
- Any method / Any
- Apple developer console
- URL / Creating your iOS profile
- application
- planning / Application planning
- design templates / The design templates
- shopping list / A messenger – a shopping list of features
- messenger application UI, list / A messenger – a shopping list of features
- speech to text and text to speech / Speech to text and text to speech
- other considerations / Other considerations
- cross platform considerations / Cross-platform considerations
- internal data structure / The internal data structure
- backend storage / Backend storage
- push notifications, setting up for Android / Setting up for Android
- push notifications, setting up for iOS / Setting up for iOS
- iOS profile, creating / Creating your iOS profile
- push notifications, creating / Creating and configuring for push notifications
- push notifications, configuring / Creating and configuring for push notifications
- certificate, exporting for Azure / Exporting the certificate for Azure
- packages, adding / Adding packages to your application
- As a loop method / As a loop
- Azure
- setting up / Setting up Azure
- signing up / Signing up
- data, adding / Adding data
- storage, adding / Adding storage
- application, setting up / Setting up the application
- adding / Adding Azure
- login API, adding / Adding the Azure login API
- same code, signing up with / Sign up and log in with the same code
- same code, logging up with / Sign up and log in with the same code
- automatic login / The automatic login
- required data, for sign up / The required data to sign up
- data organization / The data organization
- base settings, wrapping up / Wrapping up the login and base settings
- login, wrapping up / Wrapping up the login and base settings
- Azure storage
- about / The Azure Storage
- data, storing / Storing data
- setting / Setting and storing
- BasicUI
- about / Introducing the standard UI login experience
- BindingContext
- using / Using BindingContext
- versus WeakReference / Weak reference versus BindingContext
- binding project
- creating / A simple binding project
- list of strings, binding / Let's step it up a notch
- List<string> container, creating / LINQ, anyone?
- data, adding to List / How to perform the binding
- message reply, checking / Can we do anything else with the bindings?
- IValueConverter, using / IValueConverter
- horizontal position, setting / Setting the horizontal position
- trigger, using / Any other alternatives?
- background, implementing / To the next level, we will go!
- background, implementing for Android / Android
- extension method, creating / Extension methods
- text width, obtaining / The text width and height
- text height, obtaining / The text width and height
- text typeface, considering / Taking into account the text typeface
- drawable image, converting to bitmap image / Converting a drawable image to a bitmap image
- new message, adding to list / Adding to your list
- message addition, simulating / Simulating to add a message
- BLOB (Binary Large OBject) / The message
- cells
- about / Cells
- EntryCell / Cells
- SwitchCell / Cells
- TextCell / Cells
- ImageCell / Cells
- checkboxes, Xamarin Forms labs
- about / Checkboxes
- iOS / iOS
- Android / Android
- Windows Phone / Windows Phone
- in PCL / In the PCL
- complex UI example, custom renderer
- about / A complex UI example
- Android custom renderer / An Android custom renderer
- iOS custom renderer / An iOS custom renderer
- contacts, messenger application
- about / Contacts
- social media, using / Using social media
- direct invitation / The direct invitation
- cross-platform app
- creating / Touch-a-touch-a-touch me
- cross-platform settings system
- about / Constructing a persistent and cross-platform settings system
- initial data, creating / Creating the initial data
- Android IUserSettings interface, creating / Creating the implementation of the IUserSettings interface – Android, Saving preferences
- preferences, saving / Saving preferences
- preferences, loading / Loading preferences
- iOS IUserSettings interface, creating / Creating the implementation of the IUserSettings interface – iOS
- Windows Phone IUserSettings interface, creating / Creating the implementation of the IUserSettings interface – Windows Phone
- cross platform, considerations
- about / Cross-platform considerations
- language considerations / Language considerations
- online translation services / Online translation services
- custom renderer
- about / The custom renderer
- creating / Creating a custom renderer
- customizing, for Android / Customizing for Android
- implementing, on iOS / Implementing on iOS
- complex UI example / A complex UI example
- data
- finding, with LINQ / Finding data with LINQ
- data, ordering
- about / Ordering data
- OrderBy / OrderBy
- t=>t? / t=>t?
- OrderByDescending / OrderByDescending
- database helper class
- about / The database helper class
- generic types / Generic types within the helper class
- data classes, interfacing with / Interfacing with the data classes
- creating / Creating the helper class
- database helper class, creating
- about / Creating the helper class
- database connection / The database connection
- database, setting up / Setting up the database
- data, adding to SQLite database / Data, data everywhere…
- code / The code bit
- Func delegate / Getting funky with Func
- data back out, getting / Getting data back out
- data binding
- history / A bit of a history lesson
- in mobile arena / Binding the mobile arena
- defacto method
- about / Adding social media to your app
- Dependency Injection (DI)
- about / Dependency injection
- Inversion of Control (IoC) / Inversion of Control?
- implementing / Implementing DI
- design templates
- URL / The design templates
- error code
- ACCOUNT_MISSING / Listening for a return
- AUTHENTICATION_FAILED / Listening for a return
- INVALID_PARAMETERS / Listening for a return
- INVALID_SENDER / Listening for a return
- PHONE_REGISTRATION_ERROR / Listening for a return
- SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE / Listening for a return
- event system
- setting up / Setting up the event system and interface
- First method / First and FirstOrDefault
- FirstOrDefault method / First and FirstOrDefault
- Func delegate
- about / Getting funky with Func
- Garbage Collection (GC)
- about / What is WeakReference?
- Garbage Collector (GC) / .NET generics
- geolocation events
- adding, to code / Adding the geolocation events to the code
- adding, to Android / Adding the geolocation events to Android
- adding, to iOS / Adding the geolocation events to iOS
- gestures
- about / Gestures, maps, and WebViews, Gestures
- gesture recognizer, adding / Adding a gesture recognizer
- and POST / POST and GET
- GetSet class / The GetSet class
- using / Using GPS and push notifications
- about / What about GPS and maps?
- defining / Why bother?
- used, in PCL / In the PCL
- Xamarin Forms map, creating / Creating the Xamarin Forms map
- map, adding / Adding the map
- map types / Map types and pins
- pins / Map types and pins
- GUID (Global Unique Identifier) / The required data to sign up
- GUID math
- URL / The data organization
- GUI package creator
- URL / Creating the library
- Inline method / Inline
- interface
- setting up / Setting up the event system and interface
- internal address book
- accessing / Accessing the internal address book
- native implementation / The native implementation
- native implementation, for Android / The native implementation for Android
- native implementation, for iOS / The native implementation for iOS
- internal data structure
- about / The internal data structure
- messenger data structure / The messenger data structure
- message / The message
- contacts / Contacts
- Inversion of Control (IoC)
- about / Inversion of Control?
- iOS
- Xamarin Forms, instantiating within / iOS
- WebViews / Displaying a web page from a file – iOS
- maps, setting up / Setting up on iOS
- geolocation events, adding to / Adding the geolocation events to iOS
- about / iOS
- setting up / Setting up iOS
- iOS custom renderer
- about / An iOS custom renderer
- iOS native platform storage
- about / The iOS native platform storage
- iOS profile
- creating / Creating your iOS profile
- iOS provisioning profile
- setting up / Setting up the iOS provisioning profile
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- about / So far, it's easy
- transferring / Transferring JSON to something we can use
- Json.NET
- using / Using Json.NET
- about / Which is better?
- JSON2CSharp
- about / It's a bit messy, isn't it?
- Last method / Last and LastOrDefault
- LastOrDefault method / Last and LastOrDefault
- layouts
- about / Layouts
- ContentLayout / Layouts
- Frame / Layouts
- ScrollView / Layouts
- AbsoluteLayout / Layouts
- Grid / Layouts
- RelativeLayout / Layouts
- StackLayout / Layouts
- library
- creating / Creating the library
- linked lists
- about / The generic methods, Modern linked lists
- about / LINQ me up baby – yeah!, Getting Linq'd
- code / Jumping into the code
- errors / Wait, hold on, that's wrong!
- data, finding with / Finding data with LINQ
- mutables / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- filters / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- data, skipping / Skipping and taking data
- data, taking / Skipping and taking data
- Skip / Skip and SkipWhile
- SkipWhile / Skip and SkipWhile
- Take / Take and TakeWhile
- TakeWhile / Take and TakeWhile
- methods / Other LINQ methods
- LINQ, methods
- Where method / Where
- First / First and FirstOrDefault
- FirstOrDefault / First and FirstOrDefault
- SingleOrDefault / Single and SingleOrDefault
- Single / Single and SingleOrDefault
- Select / Select
- As a loop / As a loop
- Inline / Inline
- SelectMany / SelectMany
- Last / Last and LastOrDefault
- LastOrDefault / Last and LastOrDefault
- AsEnumerable / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- AsParallel / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- Cast / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- Concat / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- Contains / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- DefaultIfEmpty / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- Distinct / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- ElementAt / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- ElementAtOrDefault / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- GroupBy / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- GroupJoin / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- Intersect / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- Join / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- OfType / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- Reverse / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- Union / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- Zip / Filters and mutables within LINQ
- about / Other LINQ methods
- Aggregate / Aggregate
- All / All
- Any / Any
- SequenceEqual / SequenceEqual
- listener
- deregistering / Deregistering the listener
- login screen, standard UI
- implementing / Implementing a login screen
- UI positioning / UI positioning
- enhancing / Making it look good
- enhancing, EventTrigger, used / Using EventTrigger
- trigger enhancements / Further trigger enhancements
- long weak reference
- versus short weak reference / What is WeakReference?
- maps
- about / Gestures, maps, and WebViews, Maps, What about GPS and maps?
- setting up, on iOS / Setting up on iOS
- setting up, on Android / Setting up on Android
- setting up, on Windows Phone / Setting up on Windows Phone
- adding / Adding a map
- zoom facility, adding / Adding a zoom facility to a map
- pins, adding / Sticking a pin in it
- messenger application
- address book, incorporating / Addressing issues
- about / The messenger application
- messages, displaying / What about displaying the messages?
- message composition / The message composition, The message composition
- speech to text / Speech to text
- lazy image loading / Lazy image loading
- contacts / Contacts
- attachments, storing / Displaying and storing the attachments
- attachments, displaying / Displaying and storing the attachments
- file streams, used for saving / Using file streams to save and load
- file streams, used for loading / Using file streams to save and load
- messenger application UI
- about / A messenger – a shopping list of features
- Microsoft 101 LINQ examples
- URL / Summary
- mobile arena
- data binding / Binding the mobile arena
- binding project, creating / A simple binding project
- .NET generics
- about / .NET generics
- class usage, restrictions / Restrictions on using a generic class
- methods / The generic methods
- linked lists / Modern linked lists
- native platform storage
- about / The native platform storage
- iOS native platform storage / The iOS native platform storage
- Android native platform storage / The Android native platform storage
- Windows Phone native platform storage / The Windows Phone native platform storage
- network connection
- checking / Connect me up, Scotty
- NuGet
- Xamarin Mobile component, installing / Installing through NuGet
- Xamarin.Auth, installing / Installing Xamarin.Auth from NuGet
- OAuth
- about / The difference between OAuth and OAuth2
- versus OAuth2 / The difference between OAuth and OAuth2
- implementing / Implementing OAuth
- Xamarin.Auth, installing from NuGet / Installing Xamarin.Auth from NuGet
- OAuth1
- for Twitter / OAuth1 for Twitter
- interface, creating / Let's jump on
- app, authenticating / Authentication in the application
- OAuth2
- versus OAuth / The difference between OAuth and OAuth2
- using / Using OAuth2
- pages
- about / Pages
- ContentPage / Pages
- MasterDetailPage / Pages
- NavigationPage / Pages
- TabbedPage / Pages
- CarouselPage / Pages
- parameterless query / t=>t?
- about / PCLs – the pros and cons, Let's make a start, PCL
- URL / PCLs – the pros and cons
- pros / If you don't have the full .NET base, what is the point of having a PCL?, If you don't have access to parts of libraries, such as hardware access, how can they be implemented?, Is there a processor speed hit?
- cons / If you don't have the full .NET base, what is the point of having a PCL?, If you don't have access to parts of libraries, such as hardware access, how can they be implemented?, Is there a processor speed hit?
- library, writing / Writing your PCL library
- other options / Other options for PCL
- magical type T / The magical type T, The devil is in the detail
- PCL library, writing
- about / Writing your PCL library
- code, examining / Examining the code
- old code / The old code
- new code / The new code
- platform-specific considerations
- about / Platform-specific considerations
- Portable Class Library (PCL)
- about / What is Xamarin Forms?
- and GET / POST and GET
- Primary Key / The internal data structure
- push notifications
- using / Using GPS and push notifications
- setting up, in app / Setting up push notifications in the app
- Android, setting up for / Setting up Android for push notifications
- messages, handling / Handling the messages
- push notifications
- setting up, for Android / Setting up for Android
- setting up, for iOS / Setting up for iOS
- creating / Creating and configuring for push notifications
- configuring / Creating and configuring for push notifications
- Reachability.cs class
- URL / Setting up iOS
- about / Let's take a REST
- SBase / Application planning
- SelectMany method / SelectMany
- Select method / Select
- SequenceEqual method / SequenceEqual
- serializer class / The serializer class
- Shared Code Library (SCL) / Other options for PCL
- short weak reference
- versus long weak reference / What is WeakReference?
- Single method / Single and SingleOrDefault
- SingleOrDefault method / Single and SingleOrDefault
- Skip method / Skip and SkipWhile
- SkipWhile method / Skip and SkipWhile
- social media
- adding, to app / Adding social media to your app
- OAuth / The difference between OAuth and OAuth2
- OAuth2 / The difference between OAuth and OAuth2
- SQLite solution
- about / The SQLite solution
- standard UI login
- about / Introducing the standard UI login experience
- abstraction layer / Abstract this, abstract that
- custom renderer / The custom renderer
- login screen, implementing / Implementing a login screen
- Strong Reference
- about / What is WeakReference?
- tab page
- about / Knowing me, knowing you
- code / Start all over
- creating, with Xamarin forms / Little boxes made of ticky-tacky
- issues, removing / Can we fix it? Yes we can!
- view / Now you see me, now you don't
- PCL / Problem 1 – talking with the PCL
- Android approach / Problem 2 – the Android approach
- iOS approach / Problem 3 – the iOS approach
- Windows Phone / Problem 4 – Windows Phone
- issues / Let's see what's left
- Take method / Take and TakeWhile
- TakeWhile method / Take and TakeWhile
- Time of Death app
- about / Wanted… dead or alive
- URL / Wanted… dead or alive
- ToArray / ToList, ToArray, ToDictionary, and ToLookup
- ToDictionary / ToList, ToArray, ToDictionary, and ToLookup
- ToList / ToList, ToArray, ToDictionary, and ToLookup
- ToLookup / ToList, ToArray, ToDictionary, and ToLookup
- triggers
- about / Making it look good
- Twitter
- OAuth1 / OAuth1 for Twitter
- URL / OAuth1 for Twitter
- UI
- customizing / Customizing the UI
- about / The general UI considerations
- considerations / What have we currently got?
- generating / Generating the UI
- undefined behavior / A history lesson
- UserData class / The UserData class
- user interface
- making unresponsive / Two caveats to be aware of
- updating / Updating the UI very often
- about / The user interface
- UUID-Universal Unique IDentifier) / The required data to sign up
- views
- about / Views
- ActivityIndicator / Views
- BoxView / Views
- Button / Views
- DatePicker / Views
- Editor / Views
- Entry / Views
- Image / Views
- Label / Views
- ListView / Views
- OpenGLView / Views
- Picker / Views
- ProgressBar / Views
- SearchBar / Views
- Slider / Views
- Stepper / Views
- Switch / Views
- TableView / Views
- TimePicker / Views
- WebView / Views
- WeakReference
- about / What is WeakReference?
- short weak reference / What is WeakReference?
- long weak reference / What is WeakReference?
- versus BindingContext / Weak reference versus BindingContext
- web service
- about / The practicalities
- WebViews
- about / Gestures, maps, and WebViews, WebViews
- webpage, displaying / Displaying a web page
- generated webpage, displaying / Displaying a generated web page
- webpage, displaying from file / Displaying a web page from a file
- for iOS / Displaying a web page from a file – iOS
- for Android / Displaying a web page from a file – Android
- for Windows Phone / Displaying a web page from a file – Windows Phone
- Where method / Where
- Windows Communication Framework (WCF)
- about / The Windows Communication Framework
- web service, using / Using the web service
- web reference, adding / Adding a web reference
- Windows Phone
- Xamarin Forms, instantiating within / Windows Phone
- adding / Adding Windows Phone to your project
- importing, from Mac into Visual Studio / Import from Mac into Visual Studio
- libraries, adding / Adding the libraries
- XAML code, modifying / Modifying the XAML code
- WebViews / Displaying a web page from a file – Windows Phone
- maps, setting up / Setting up on Windows Phone
- modifications / Modifying on Windows Phone
- about / Windows Phone
- connectivity, listening / Listening for connectivity on Windows Phone
- setting up / Setting up Windows Phone
- Windows Phone native platform storage
- about / The Windows Phone native platform storage
- Xamarin.Auth
- installing, from NuGet / Installing Xamarin.Auth from NuGet
- Xamarin Forms
- about / What is Xamarin Forms?, Size matters
- pages / Pages
- layouts / Layouts
- views / Views
- cells / Cells
- working with / So, how does this all work?
- information, storing / Storing information
- instantiating, within app / Instantiating Xamarin Forms within an app
- instantiating, within Android / Android
- instantiating, within iOS / iOS
- instantiating, within Windows Phone / Windows Phone
- parent property / Move over Beethoven
- Xamarin Forms labs
- about / What is Xamarin Forms Labs?
- installing, in project / Installing Xamarin Forms Labs in your project
- checkboxes / Checkboxes
- resolver / The resolver
- Xamarin Mobile component
- using / Using the Xamarin mobile component
- installing, through component store / Installing through the component store
- installing, through NuGet / Installing through NuGet
- components, mixing with packages / Mixing components and packages
- errors / Errors
- about / Xamarin Mobile
- XLabs
- URL / The resolver
- XML-based solution
- about / The XML-based solution
- GetSet class / The GetSet class
- UserData class / The UserData class
- serializer class / The serializer class
- yEd Graph Editor
- URL / The design templates