Overlapping objects
Most of the time, overlapped objects mean either that the designer is not done yet or that he does not hold functionality, usability, or aesthetics in high regard (and evidently did not read this book). However, there is a rarely seen third option: the charts were meticulously located one on top of the other so that together they display information in a way that cannot be achieved otherwise.
Range charts
Range charts are built with two components—a main trend displayed in the foreground and a colored area in the background that serves as the context. It is commonly used to monitor exchange rates, stock markets, and bond pricing due to the completeness of the vision that it can convey. The main benefit of this visualization is that it can show the minimum, maximum, and average values and, by comparison, the spread between its limits, all at the same time.
Example: Average temperature per hour.
Relevant features: Overlapping charts.

To create such a chart, perform the following...