Congratulations on reaching the end of this chapter. We now have our level and our UI with the basic structure and foundation we need to build our gameplay and core mechanics.
In this chapter, we learned how to create UI elements such as buttons and sprites, how to use a few available methods on button click without writing any lines of code, how to set up and position the UI elements using both horizontal and vertical layout groups, and about the anchor presets and pivot values.
We also learned how to use layers, Render Textures, Materials, and multiple cameras at the same time to render different parts of the world into UI elements, such as the portrait for the selected unit and the minimap.
Finally, we have our first version of the level manager class, which is currently loading our UI scene additively and instantiating the minimap on the level scene.
In Chapter 5, Spawning an Army of Units, we are going to start adding some units to the level, configure their...