Chapter 12: Distributing Data
After you have brought your data into your analytical environment and massaged it into the required shape, you may have even created machine learning models to acquire deeper insights into the circumstances that your data describes. Then, after loading it into the right storage for optimal access, you, of course, are now looking for ways to distribute the data in the right way to the right target groups.
This chapter will show you ways in which to create data marts to distribute insights in your modern data warehouse with Power BI. You will see how to use Power BI data models and the options to visualize and publish their content and even use the data with other tools.
Additionally, you will explore the options that you have to create a data model with Azure Analysis Services (AAS) aside from Power BI, that is, other options available to you to form insights from your data and make them available.
Finally, we will examine Azure Data Share as...