Chapter 1, Introduction to Spring Web Framework, provides an introduction to the Spring and the Spring Web MVC framework along with code samples for configuring Spring MVC and creating Spring Boot web applications.
Chapter 2, Preparing the Spring Web Development Environment, provides information on the necessary tools (along with code samples) that may be required to be installed/configured for working with Spring web apps.
Chapter 3, Data Access Layer with Spring and Hibernate, covers the concepts and code samples related to setting up Hibernate with Spring.
Chapter 4, Testing and Running Spring Web App, describes concepts and code samples related to running a Spring web app and writing unit tests for different types of web app components such as controllers, services, DAOs, and so on.
Chapter 5, Securing Web App with Spring Security, explains the concepts related to Spring security such as authentication, CSRF protection, and so on API requests made by Angular single page apps (SPAs).
Chapter 6, Getting Started with Angular, covers Angular fundamentals along with code samples and instructions on how to set up the Angular app development environment.
Chapter 7, Creating SPA with Angular and Spring 5, explains the key concepts related with creating single page applications using Angular and Spring.
Chapter 8, Unit Testing with Angular Apps, takes you through the steps required to set up environment and write/execute unit tests with Angular components/services, and so on.
Chapter 9, Securing Angular Apps, describes concepts related to protecting the content displayed by Angular apps from common web vulnerabilities and attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and cross-site script inclusion (XSSI).
Chapter 10, Integrating Angular Apps with Spring Web APIs, describes concepts related to how Angular apps can be integrated with Spring endpoints based on the REST protocol.
Chapter 11, Deploying Web Applications, describes concepts related to deploying web applications using continuous delivery principles.