Creating an application requires the creation of lots of forms. All of those forms require inputs, and those inputs are likely to be repeated in the application.
In this recipe, we will create custom input forms that we will use in our application in almost every form.
The process of creating custom input forms helps the developer in terms of saving time for debugging, reusability of the code, and future improvements for the code.
Getting ready
The prerequisites for this recipe are as follows:
- The last recipe project
- Node.js 12+
The Node.js global objects that are required are as follows:
- @aws-amplify/cli
- @quasar/cli
To start our custom components, we will continue with the project that was created in Chapter 3, Setting Up Our Chat App - AWS Amplify Environment and GraphQL.
How to do it...
For better reusability of the code, we will create separate components that will handle the customs forms on the application. In this case, we will create...