Creating a report
In this section, you will learn how to create a report using the UI (User Interface) released by Zoho in July 2021. We can create a report as follows:
- Starting from the Home page, click Reports | Create Report.
- Select the primary module you wish to base your report upon. In this example, we will select Leads then click Continue as shown:
Figure 15.1 – Creating a new report based upon the Leads module
- You will now see the following screen:
Figure 15.2 – Adding related Child or Parent Modules
You can add additional related child modules by clicking on the blue + and/or parent modules by clicking on the green + button. In this example, we will click Continue without adding any related modules.
When reporting on Leads you most likely will not need any related modules. When reporting on the Deals module, you may wish to include Contacts and Accounts as child modules. By doing so, you will be able to select any field from the parent and child...