Time for action – investigating the camera composition guides
Blender has composition guides to help you display within the camera's finder. The following steps will guide you while investigating the camera composition guides:
Select the camera with the RMB.
Look in the Properties window header and find the image of the movie camera, with its two film magazines, in the Properties window header, as shown in the following image. This is the Object data button for the camera. Click on it with the LMB.
At the top-right of the Display subpanel, there is a button labeled Composition Guides. Select that button.
Choose Thirds from the pop-up menu. Now, you see guidelines in the Camera view. This will make laying out your scenes easier.
You can have several scenes at one time and choose whichever you like. See what kinds there are and do a search on those terms to find out more about them.
What just happened?
The composition guides are great tools. You learned to access them. They help you to plan your...